Many acts of generosity have enabled Trinity Church to serve the needs of its members and the local community for more than three centuries. The Valentine Society was formed in 2009 to commemorate the contributions and to encourage others to follow. The legacy society was named in honor of:
• Valentine (Val) Blatz, who served as a Vestry member, Financial Secretary, Lay Eucharistic Minister and Lay Reader and co-managed the Trinity Food Pantry with his wife, Hertha, and
• The Valentine family, which donated the church pulpit, rood screen and other items in the early 20th century.
Membership in the Society is bestowed in recognition of planned gifts, bequests and establishment of memorial funds. Current congregants who have provided for Trinity through wills or estate plans are also eligible. The honor may result from a personal commitment or that of a family member.
The Giving Tree at the top of the page recognizes some of the society’s members and the honorees of other members’ gifts. The tree is installed permanently at the Parish House. A list of everyone recognized, including those named in memorial gifts, is available below. If you want to join their ranks, contact the church office.
Bertha & Joseph Allen Family
Arrowsmith Family
Colleen Ann Meehan Barkow
Bauer Family
Benton Family
Family of Nona Bines
John Bowers
Florence Brandes
Mary Langdon Breretoni
Sr. Thea Joy Browne
Byoris Family
Family of James Alfred Compton
Helen Savage Cone
Corrado – Squires
Mary Cunningham
Estelle David
Davis Family
Frances Deter Boos
Family of Susan Hoffman Dixon
Olympia Dossena
Family of Mary Frew Dunphy
Betty Earl
Ellis Family
Allen & Norma Francis
Frieda Goggins
George C. Hance
Harold Hickman
Elizabeth Hirth
Stephen & Sandra Kalista
Joseph & Mae Karnas
Kenworthy Family
Patricia Kerr
Virginia Wight King
Henry Koebel
Patricia Koebel
Maxwell Kurtz
Rose LaPenta
Samuel LaPenta
J. Mosher
Merrill A. Mosher
William Nemeth
Louis Neuberg
Mary O’Donnell
Earl Peterson
William H. Post
Rothfuss Family
Charles Ruge
Michael & Victoria Sasso
Andy & Nancy Shaffer Family
Steve & Margaret Shaffer Family
The Rev. William H. Schmaus
Janet Sheehan
Springstead Family
James & Esther Storey
Geoffrey & Runi Sriwardena
Marie Stanziola
Family of James Ray Steel
Edward Strauss
Strowe-Grandjean Family
William & Ruth Tait
Bernadette Talbot
Michele Thomas
Valentine Family
Catherine Vernon
Lillian Ward
Family of James Sylvester Wight
Gladys M. Whitehead
Family of Frank A. Will
William & Evelyn Wilson
Wright & Neuberg Family